Tierra Iris TOTEM


Tierra Iris

The Totem of Tierra Iris’ symbolises that there is the connection, a common essence between the individual, the community and all natural species ( animal, vegetal or even Atmospheric). The central idea of Totemism is the existence of a dynamic co-naturality, between human beings and their environment.

Land Regeneration

Tierra Iris began with the purpose of regenerating soil — and it has remained the heart of what we do. We truly believe that in healing the land, we will gain inexplicable teachings of life, as the soil heals us in return. Syntropic farming is the method of agroforestry we are practicing on our land — focusing on the natural ways of Nature and letting her powers truly shine through instead of controlling it.

We have learned that plants work as community with the principles of unconditional love, all the life forms on the farm come together to create a unified, intelligent living system which evolves in a way to benefit the system as a whole.