TERRA NEXUS, 2020-2021



Requiem for the Holocene 2020 . Last Weekend of Terra Nexus at @propositionstudios Peckham before it moves to the Southbank.
Housed in the large steel sculpture Is a miniature tropical ecosystem containing a giant Asian forest scorpion, Locusts, spring tails, woodlice, bromeliads uv light and a misting system, the same technology used to grow food in space and underground. Covering the walls is the wyrd_codex an archive examining the link between nature, ancient artefacts and developing technologies

Terra Nexus is an immersive experience featuring 25 artists produced by Proposition Studios. It invites the audience into a multi-sensory labyrinth of interconnected worlds to unravel a story which weaves together diverse insights into our relationship with the biosphere.

Springing from the foundational idea that we need to shift away from a narrative of human dominion and independence in order to protect the biosphere, Terra Nexus installations explore: the necessity of living soil; the perpetual migration of species; the cascading threat of impending extinctions; ways to reconnect with nature; conflict arising from depleted resources; the future of cities and how humans will live within them. From the perspectives of insects and animals, through the eyes of scientists, artificial intelligence, plant life, ancient cultures and conflicting contemporary viewpoints; Terra Nexus is a wormhole of ideas.

Warping sensory experiences, excavating, weaving between co-existing timelines and suggesting alternative histories; this is the first of a series of immersive projects by Proposition Studios asking the viewer to raise their own questions about THE HUMAN AS PART OF ECOLOGY, what that means today, in the past, and for future generations.

Curated by Gabriella Sonabend